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Astrophyllite Crystal Guide:
What is Astrophyllite?
[Chemical composition]
The chemical formula is K2Na(FeMn)7Ti2Si8(OH)4F.
[Crystal system and form]
The crystal belongs to the triclinic system. The stellate crystals are plate-shaped, and the aggregates are radial star-shaped.
[Physical properties]
Astrophyllite is brown, brown-red, bronze-yellow, golden-yellow, with light yellow-brown streaks; diamond luster or pearl luster, translucent to opaque, complete cleavage, uneven fracture, brittleness; Mohs hardness is 3.0~3.5, and the density is 3.3~3.4g/cm.
Astrophyllite is found in alkaline rocks, such as nepheline syenite, and it is symbiotic with minerals such as neo-lite, sodium iron amphibole, heterolithic stone, and aciculate.